Monday, April 7, 2008


When it comes to advertisements I don't really notice much about them. To me ads like they are getting more and more rediculouse, so i try to avoud them. But there is one kind of add that seames to catch my eye and that is just the simplest type of advertisements. One that sticks out in my mind would be when you arre coming into makato on 169 south there is a big billboard that just has the pepsi logo on it with a matching blue background. To me this is the best kind of advertisement it is simpple and gets the point across, buy pepsi. There is one kind of add tht i can just not stand, the radio commercial ad, I think this may just be becouse they are so overplayed and they are always on. Without that visual effect it just seames too boring and actually annoying to listen to. This is probably why i never listen to the radio, my iPod plugs into everything that i would ever listen to music on, this way I an just aviod the radio commercial all together. When it comes to television advertisements the best one are on during the superbowl, even if they are made super cheap people have put time into making them and thinking them up unlike the commercials that are on during the rest of the year that to me just seam stupid. Overall the best kinds of ads in my mind is the ones that are the mose simple.

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