Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Great e-bay find!!

Today I found an amazing steal on eBay. It is the most powerful thing on earth as the ad states “The ring is blazing with powerful energy.” It is a voodoo ring and according to the ad it holds the ancient eyes of voodoo in it, and wearing it for more than two hours at a time can cause serious dizziness and nausea. To me this seems ridiculous but to my surprise there are actually two bidders fighting over the voodoo ring. The price has reached $157.50. The webpage that is made to look mysterious and official. The bottom of the page it even states “this ring has made EVERY PERSON that has owned it, VERY VERY VERY VERY RICH AND SUCCESSFUL!” I think one of the funniest things about it is that the ring is listed on eBay as HAUNTED RING~ANCIENT EYES OF VOODOO! and underneath that there is a little catch line “DON'T MISS THIS ONE FOLKS! AMAZING POWER LOOK!” This almost sounds like the man at the carnival trying to get people to play the carnival games. Apparently there are people who think that this is worth their money but it seams like a big superstition thing to me. If you wanna check out this amazing item the link is:

Monday, April 28, 2008

In Class Videos

During the course of this class we watched a few different videos and i thought that they were all usefull to the topic that was trying to be explianed, some more than others but all usefull. Tthere where two videos that I really enjoyed the documentary that we watched, but my favorite movie that we watched in class would have to be the most recent one "Once". I really liked this movie because it is something that I would not have seen outside of class, and I really enjoyed watching it. I think that watching videos in the class offers a different kind of learning experience that is usually not included in most courses. I myself learn more visually than anything else so I really enjoyed watching the videos. All of the videos did a good job of setting an example of sort for the next paper. But I think that there was one video that did not do as good of a job as others, and that would be "The Office" episode. It might just be because Steve Correll is in it and I cannot take him seriously when it comes to studying for an upcoming assignment. However it was very entertaining and not at all a waste of time it is just hard for me to look at that as an example or as study material.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Favorite Toy

I don't know why when thinking of my favorite toy this one came up, it was an oversized metal yellow dumptruck it was so big that I could fit into the back part of it until I was about 7. I think that is the reason why I liked this toy so much, I would always sit in the back and push with my feet and zoom around the house. or even better yet I would sit in the back and have someone push me around the house. Another reason why I think I liked the dunptruck so much was because my grandparents gave it to me when I whent to visit them in Florida one year. Every year I would get something new when I whent to visit but the dumptruck was my favorite. I kept this toy even whell after I could not fit into it anymore I would put my little brother in it and push him around. After niether of us could fit in the back anymore we kept it for a few years, and then gave it to my younger cousin and as far as I know he still has it. What I think this toy said about me, or explians how I am today is that I love driving it calms me down can make me happy and its almost therapeutic. This toy just showed that I always have to be moving which is true to this day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Show Worth Watching

My favororite show of all time is Deadliest Catch and the season premier is tomorow and I could not be any more exited. Deadliest Catch is a schow about crab fisherman in the bearing sea off the coast of Alaska. The reason it is called Deadliest Catch is becouse by statistics crab fishing is the deadliest job on earth, more people die doing that job than any other. It makes for a great show not only the suspence but just waatching them pull up full metal pots of crab is one of the coolest things ever. A "pot" is what they use to trap the crab until they are brought up onto the serface and stored on the boat a full pot can hold up to a few thousand dollars worth of crab and since everyone is payed on commission more or less on how much the boat can catch throughout the season it is really important to everyone to catch as much as possible. the seasons themselfs only last about a month or less but each deckhand on the boats can earn any where from twenty thousand to on the bigger boats up to forty thousand. There are two main seasons for crab fishing so one can make up to eighty thousand dollars a year by just working two months a year. To me this is amazing, these men are taking amazings risks for their jobs but they can make an amazing amount of mony at the same time.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Extreme Emotion

My extreme emotion is kind of a downer but it is the most recent time where one moment in my life had so much impact. To give a little backstory when I was 12 we bought a new dog named Jack, he was one of the best dogs ever he would always lay next to you never be mad and always tried to make you happy. He could even tell if you would sick and whenever I was sick he would never leave my side just lay next to me all day. And at night he would always sleep at the end of my bed so even when I was on vacation it was wierd not having him at the foot of my bead. On the first weekend of school I was going to go home to get somethings that I had forgoten. Before I even left my Dad called me, I could tell he was upset and that something was wrong. He told me that jack was dying and asked when I was leaving to come home, I told him not till later. He didnt think he would even last that long and drove down from the cities to get me. I was told that there was a tumor in his stomach that burst and basically he was bleeding internaly, he wasn't in pain though becouse of the medication. Jack was the only thing that I really missed about home and all of the sudden out of nowhere he was dying. What really struck me was that when dogs die they go to a safe happy place, and when my parents found him he was curled up in my closet on my clothes. It was the saddest worst car ride home ever. But as soon as i got to see him he smiled, yes my dog smiles. It was a pretty bad way to start off not living at home, but thats how it happend, and that is my extreme emotion.

Monday, April 7, 2008


When it comes to advertisements I don't really notice much about them. To me ads like they are getting more and more rediculouse, so i try to avoud them. But there is one kind of add that seames to catch my eye and that is just the simplest type of advertisements. One that sticks out in my mind would be when you arre coming into makato on 169 south there is a big billboard that just has the pepsi logo on it with a matching blue background. To me this is the best kind of advertisement it is simpple and gets the point across, buy pepsi. There is one kind of add tht i can just not stand, the radio commercial ad, I think this may just be becouse they are so overplayed and they are always on. Without that visual effect it just seames too boring and actually annoying to listen to. This is probably why i never listen to the radio, my iPod plugs into everything that i would ever listen to music on, this way I an just aviod the radio commercial all together. When it comes to television advertisements the best one are on during the superbowl, even if they are made super cheap people have put time into making them and thinking them up unlike the commercials that are on during the rest of the year that to me just seam stupid. Overall the best kinds of ads in my mind is the ones that are the mose simple.