Monday, January 28, 2008

Bitter Cold

I really don't mind cold weather because I love to snowboard but its when it is that dry bitter cold, that does bother me. the biggest thing that bothers me about the cold is just simple things that have to be done like walking to class, it just makes it that much worse. There is something even worse than that most people might not think of this but when it is really cold out the snow sucks for snowboarding. when it is that cold the runs get really icy with a thin layer of ice shavings on top. this is the worst kind of snow because it is hard to stay in control and it takes all the wax off the snowboard. I really don't mind bundling up but its the snow conditions that really bother me. There are some good things about the cold. The dorm that i live at is always really hot so we always have the window open and fan going this is when we are glad to have cold weather because it cools down the room.

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