Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Research & Concerns

During the library session I learned a few things since i have never been in the library before besides cutting threw the basement on cold days. I learned just about everything I will need to know to find everything for my paper. I learned how to do simple things like look up book on the computer which i had no idea how to do before the visit. But he most important thing that I think that i learned would have to be the database's on the website, becouse during previouse research in highschool these were my main source of information, and im glad that there are so many database's.
There still are some concerns that I have about writing this paper but its not so much about the paper itself. My paper is about the begining of snowboarding and how it all began, I kind of think of it as a "Lords of Dogtown" for snowboarding. My only concers are about what is going to go in the paper and how I am going to orgonize it in order from past to present while at the same time fitting all of the different aspects of the paper in. Since there are so many different thing and topics I could write about but I want it to be easily understood from what happened in the begging to what is happening now.

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