Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break

Sam's spring break was pretty non-eventful, the majority of his break was spent at the Ridgedale Byerly's where he works. However Sam was lucky enough to go home early getting home on thursday the reason he simply wanted to go home, that night he whent to a midnight showing of 10,000 B.C. not the best movie ever made but he thought the visual effects were the most entertaining part of the film. He spent friday night mostly as home woth his family for a late birthday dinner even though he was unawhere of how many people were coming over it was somewhat of a suprise. Later that night Sam whent to St. Paul to visit a freind. Now came time to work Sam worked from Monday threw Friday of that week and workin about 30 hours. During that week on Tuesday he whent back to St. Paul to party at a friends appartment and whent to Mickeys Diner for the first time, he loved the food. The next day he whent back to St. Paul to meet up with some other friends and eat at Cosseta's Sam's favorite italian or pizza place. Sam ended his break by planning a small trip with a few freinds up to Spirit Mountian in Duluth where he stayed for one night, and when he came back that Sunday his parents suprised him by giving him and his brother two club level tickets to the Bruce Springsteen concert at the Excel Center. The concert was amazing one of the best he has been to, and they topped off the night by returning to Mickey's Diner after the concert. For being a pretty un-eventful vacation he had a great time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pursuasive Paper

For my pursuasive paper I am writing about school searches. I am taking the position that if a person pays to rent out a space such as a locker or a parking space or dorm room it becomes that persons personal space and is subject to the same search and siezer policy as any other car or home that is privatly owned. So if the school would like a way to search anything on the property without following the how it is legally done to any other private property the area wanting to be searched would have to be free to whomever is using it becouse than it is still property of the schools. I have found a few different sites that state local law and sites that state constitutional rights that give schools different rights and ability to creat there own "school law". During writing this blog I am now becoming concerned about how to right the paper without making i sound to wordy, and less like a legal document and more like a well flowing paper. There are suprisingly alot of sources wiith many different views on how the laws regarding school searches are to be inturpreted, and carried out.

Monday, March 3, 2008

"A Modest Proposal"

I have read this paper a few times and every time I read it I cannot figure out if this is his real offer is for real or if there is an underlying message. But the way i have taken it so far is that this is his extreme quick fix to the problem at hand. The offer states that the children of poor families most of whom are beggers should be sacraficed for the greater good of the kingdom and the families will be paid for the child at one year of age and the child will be prepared as food for the higher powers of the kingdom. He claimes that this will solve many problems the poor families will have a legitamate income, there will be plenty of food to go around, as whell as a new custom for the cititzens. He also mentioned that no part will be wasted the hide will be used to make an assortment of goods, such as gloves for women and possibly boots for the men. This is a very interesting aurgument besides the obviouse flaws that would not be accepted in todays culture this "Proposal" would solve many problems that the country faced and it would do so very quickly.